Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Facebook's Weird Beginnings (EOTO Response)

 In our recent EOTO presentations, someone discussed Facebook and it's history. I knew very little about the beginnings of Facebook, which is strange to say the least. Facebook has a history of being extremely sketchy and off putting to me, which have now been amplified now that I know about it's predecessor Facemash.

Facemash Logo

Facemash was a platform developed by Mark "Zuck" Zuckerberg while attending Harvard University. The platform was a website where the users can essentially rate the pictures of women that were attending the University. Zuck used photos from the school's face books (get it?) on the website, which led to him getting into some trouble with the university over privacy and security issues. Nothing came of these charges, as they were dropped and he returned to school. 

After the Facemash incident, Zuck changed the website to be platform to assist his fellow students, by which he would upload art. Shortly after, Zuck created TheFacebook by partnering with a fellow student Eduardo Saverin, who Zuck later forced out the company. The website was a social media website originally for Harvard students, which was later expanded to other schools and eventually anyone who made an account.

The Zuck

The company has since has grown into one of the largest websites in the world, also becoming one of the leading tech companies with influence in nearly every sector of the tech world. The company, now named Meta, has been at the center of many controversies around security, privacy, and mental health. Due to these security concerns, Facebook has gained a bad reputation among the newer generations. 

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