Thursday, September 7, 2023

My Top 5 Sources of News Consumption

Since the 2016 election, I have tried my hardest to avoid mainstream news outlets due to my distrust of them. It scares me that people can blindly follow a news outlet the way one can follow a political party, which has led me to seek other methods that I find more credulous and consistent. My favorite and most used sources are listed in this article.

Google News Logo
Google News

I find Google News to be the most reliable and comprehensive source of news. The website covers a wide variety of topics and presents articles from companies that either side of the political spectrum. Google News also allows the user to customize their feed and interests, with which I have focused on tech, science, and games.

YouTube Logo


YouTube is one of the world's most visited websites, making it a hub for any topic.  The majority of my time spent on social media is on YouTube, typically watching documentaries or video essays about current events and cultural or historical topics. I find long-form content to be the most engaging and informative, which is my main interest on the platform. YouTube also has a "Shorts" feature, which are vertical videos made for quick consumption. I often get updates on the Russo-Ukranian war through Shorts.


Reddit is my second most visited social media platform. I find Reddit to be my favorite platform due to its feed and interest customization. Since the user is able to join and block communities, your home page can cater to your specific interests. Additionally, Reddit has both a news and popular page that shows highly visited news or articles.

RapTV Logo


RapTV is a wonderfully hilarious account on Instagram that provides updates about hip-hop, music, and... anything else.  I find RapTV to be a refreshing break in regard to news sources due to its comical posts, captions, and comments.

The post above is referring to leaks about an upcoming game, Grand Theft Auto IV, which millions online are looking forward to. The person running the RapTV page is the funniest person alive.

Professor Smith 

Professor Smith has explained important events in domestic and world politics to me that I would previously have not known or understood. I appreciate the unbiased and thorough explanations which often leave me speechless or annoyed with the United States government.

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