Sunday, October 8, 2023

Privacy in the Age of Information

User's of the internet should be aware that they are being tracked and monitored through their every action, but I believe that most user's do not realize the extent or significance of this lack of privacy. This data is permanent, forever located in a server somewhere with the data of millions of other users. Every text, every browser search, and every website you have visited is tracked, monitored, and stored. 

When signing up for something, we all click the box labeled "I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions." However, if we actually understood what that meant, only a fraction of users would actually agree. On the other hand, do we actually care enough to forfeit our access to websites and the internet in exchange for total privacy?

Edward Snowden
I find this to be a very conflicting issue for myself. Although I despise having my privacy violated, I also feel that it is too late to disconnect from these websites that track me. I could switch to Firefox to increase my privacy, but Google Chrome has all of my passwords saved and bookmarks. Is my personal information worth the ease of use of the internet? Apparently so. 

The government certainly loves to track us. After Edward Snowden revealed the mass surveillance performed by the government, it seems that little has been done to change what the government is still doing behind our backs. 

Though there are methods to limit how extensively you are tracked, I feel that nothing makes you truly anonymous. Methods such as virtual private networks (VPNs) and TOR browser have their pros and cons, but the only method that works is to not use any technology that can be tracked. At that point, someone might as well live in the woods alone, since technology is embedded in nearly every aspect of out lives. 

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