Sunday, October 22, 2023

Living in the Age of AI

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is shifting the paradigm of modern technology and how it will impact with society in the future. There has already been mass debate around its usage and limitations along with calls to halt development by leading experts and prominent figures in the tech industry.  According to IBM, AI is the "science and engineering of making intelligent machines, especially intelligent computer programs." 

An increasingly concerning threat presented by AI is the replacement and automation of jobs, especially in tech related fields. Though most artificial intelligence models are ineffective at coding, it will only become more effective and productive in time, potentially threatening programmers. As a computer science student, AI has been discussed in every major related class I have taken, with most discussions approached with reluctant denial. 

Social media content is promoted via AI algorithms that are constantly collecting user data and promoting content that it believes the user will interact with. Social media companies utilize these algorithms to track and monitor nearly all interactions on the web to sell user information to companies, organizations, and governments, making a fortune off users.

Though I am scared of what artificial intelligence will be capable of, I am hopefully optimistic. This will not be the first innovation that will change society. Humans have a tendency to adapt and thrive. Society has adapted to radio, advanced weaponry (so far), computers, and airplanes. 

Many experts are optimistic towards AI, seeing it as a tool that will accelerate the future of humanity into a new age. If AI ever takes over, I just hope it remembers that I always think Siri for answering my questions.

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